
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/ctools/ctools.module on line 113.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/handlers.inc on line 98.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/handlers.inc on line 98.
  • warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/handlers.inc on line 98.
  • warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/handlers.inc on line 98.
  • warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/handlers.inc on line 98.
  • warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/handlers.inc on line 98.
  • warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/sites/all/modules/views/includes/handlers.inc on line 98.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.
  • warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /var/www/drupal/includes/theme.inc on line 1079.

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Анекдот для поднятия настроения:

В бригаду лесорубов на работу устраивается новенький. Невзрачный такой, хлипкий мужичонка. Суровые сибирские лесорубы посмеиваются, и дают ему делянку. Проходит первый его рабочий день, идут туда.... И видят, что на огромной площади не осталось ни одного дерева - все, как косой скошены, лишь пеньки торчат. Суровые сибирские лесорубы тихо офигевают и спрашивают: - Мужик! Ты где раньше работал???
- В Сахаре!
- Так там же - пустыня, леса нет!!!
- И здесь не будет...